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v1.6.90 安卓無限金幣金錢修版 虛擬家庭2:我們的夢之屋中文版 網(wǎng)友評分:8



虛擬家庭2(virtual families 2)是一款非常好玩的的模擬游戲,玩家將在游戲中組成一個屬于自己的虛擬家庭,現(xiàn)在就看你如何照顧他們了?,F(xiàn)在游戲已經(jīng)為無限金幣,你可以購買你想要的物品。



不知道大家小時候有沒有玩過那種電子寵物蛋,Virtual Families 2《虛擬家庭2》在某種意義上和電子寵物蛋很像,只不過游戲中我們不是去飼養(yǎng)寵物,而是去照顧養(yǎng)成一個家庭,游戲即使你退出了,也會自動運行。家庭成員會繼續(xù)生活、生長和衰老。








1.you earned 100 coins.你賺了100元。

2.you earned 1000 coins.你賺了1000元。

3.you earned 10000 coins.你賺了10000元。

4.you earned 100000 coins.你賺了100000元。

5.you have encountered 50 email or house events.你收到50封email或者隨機事件。

6.you married someone with more than 370 coins in the bank.你與銀行存款超過370元的人結(jié)婚。

7.you married someone with less than 150 coins in the bank.你與銀行存款低于150元的人結(jié)婚。

8.you married someone with the same career.你與相同職業(yè)的人結(jié)婚。

9.you had a baby.你有一個寶寶。

10. you had twins.你有一對雙胞胎。

11.you had triplets.你有三胞胎。

12.you had four children.你有4個孩子。

13.you had six children.你有6個孩子。

14.you praised someone who was pulling a weed.當小人在拔雜草時表揚他。

15.you praised someone who was making a meal.當小人在做飯時表揚他。

16.you praised someone who was practicing Kung Fu.當小人在練功夫的時候表揚他。

17.you praised someone who was star gazing.當小人賞星時表揚他。

18.you praised someone who was chasing gophers.當小人追逐地鼠時表揚他。

19.you praised someone who was stomping ants.當小人踩螞蟻時表揚他。(螞蟻出現(xiàn)時,先不急用肉桂做殺蟲劑,先踩哦。)

20.you praised someone for reading the newspaper.當小人讀報紙時表揚他。

21.you praised someone who was brushing theri hair.當小人洗頭發(fā)時表揚他。

22.you praised someone who was putting out a smoking oven.當小人滅火時表揚他。

23.you praised all of the above 9 behaviors.你表揚了以上9種行為。

24.you praised your little people 100 times.表揚小人100次。

25.you spent 500 coins on food for your little people.你花掉500元買食物。

26.you spent 1000 coins on food for your little people.你花掉1000元買食物。

27.you spent 5000 coins on food for your little people.你花掉5000元買食物。

28.you filled the kitchen with 1000 units of food.你的廚房填滿1000個食物。

29.you purchased all 4 food groups in a 24 hour period.你在24小時內(nèi)提供了4種食物。

30.you provided all 4 food groups of organics.你在24小時內(nèi)提供了4種有機食物。

31.you got rid of the ants...for good.你清理掉螞蟻。

32.you cured a symptom of someone who got sick.你治療了生病的小人。

33.you cured a serious infection in someone.你治療了傳染病人。

34.you cured a grave infection in someone.你治療了嚴重傳染病人。

35.you helped someone cure hiccups.你治療了打嗝的小人。(拖到水池邊喝水)

36. you bought the fish tank.你買了一個魚缸。

37.you watered the plants in the window boxes.你為窗臺上的植物澆水。

38.you bought paintings for your house.你為房間買裝飾畫。

39.you bought a pool.你為房間買水池。

40.you bought a pinball machine.你為房間買彈球臺。

41.you bought a radio.你有一臺收音機。

42.you bought a barbecue grill.你買了一個烤肉架。

43.you gave 10 pieces of nasty candy to your little frieds.你喂你的小人吃了10塊難吃的糖果。

44.you gave 10 pieces of yummy candy to your little friends.你喂你的小人吃了10快美味的糖果。

45.you scolded a child for throwing rocks.當孩子扔石頭的時候批評他。

46.you scolded a child for tearing books.當孩子撕書的時候批評他。

47.you scolded a child for jumping on the bed.當孩子在床上跳時批評他。

48.you run a tight ship.你很緊張。(實在沒搞明白什么意思,有的翻譯說是嚴格控制,有的翻譯說你很緊張)

49.you got a promotion.你升職了。

50.one of your little friends mastered an office career.你的小人從事辦公室職業(yè)達到了最高級別。

51.one of your little friends mastered an kitchen career.你的小人從事廚房職業(yè)達到了最高級別。

52.one of your little friends mastered an workshop career.你的小人從事車間職業(yè)達到了最高級別。

53.you bought a career room upgrade item.你購買了一個職業(yè)房間的升級項目。

54.you have purchased 10 kitchen career room upgrades.你購買了10個廚房升級項目。

55.you have purchased 10 office career room upgrades.你購買了10個辦公室升級項目。

56.you have purchased 10 workshop career room upgrades.你購買了10個車間升級項目。

57.you completely restored the house.你把房間全部恢復(fù)。

58.you have fixed 10 malfunctions in the house.你治理了房間的10個故障。

59.you laundered 10 socks in the washing machine.你將10雙襪子扔到洗衣機。

60.you laundered 50 socks in the washing machine.你將50雙襪子扔到洗衣機。

61.you laundered 100 socks in the washing machine.你將100雙襪子扔到洗衣機。

62.you disposed of 10 wrappers in the house.你清理掉10包垃圾。

63.you disposed of 50 wrappers in the house.你清理掉50包垃圾。

64.you disposed of 100 wrappers in the house.你清理掉100包垃圾。

64.you cleaned 10 dirt smudges off the floor.你清洗了10個地板污點。

65.you cleaned 50 dirt smudges off the floor.你清理了50個地板污點。

66.you cleaned 100 dirt smudges off the floor.你清理了100個地板污點。

67.you pulled 10 weeds from the yard.你拔除了10株雜草。

68.you pulled 50 weeds from the yard.你拔除了50株雜草。

69.you pulled 100 weeds from the yard.你拔除了100株雜草。

70.you made your house completely free of debris and dire.你的房子很干凈。

71.you got rid of every weed in the yard.你的院子沒有任何雜草。

72.you home is spotless inside and out.你的房間和院子都一塵不染。

73.you completed the collection of insects.你完成了昆蟲的收集。

74.you completed the collection of nuts and twigs.你完成了植物的收集。

75.you put together the raptor skeleton.你完成了化石收集。

76.you completed all of the collections.你完成了以上三類的收集。

77.you sold 5 common collectibles online.你賣了5種常見的收藏品。

78.you sold 15 common collectibles online.你賣了15種常見的收藏品。

79.you sold 5 uncommon collectibles online.你賣了5種罕見的收藏品。

80.you sold 15 uncommon collectibles online.你賣了15種罕見的收藏品。

81.you sold 5 rare collectibles online.你賣了5種超罕見的收藏品。

81.you sold 15 rare collectibles online.你賣了15種超罕見的收藏品。

82.you completed all of the collecting goals.你完成了所有的收集。

83.one of your little friends achieved the age of 35.你的小人到達了35歲。

84.one of your little friends achieved the age of 45.你的小人到達了45歲。

85.one of your little friends achieved the age of 50.你的小人到達了50歲。

86.one of your little friends achieved the age of 60.你的小人到達



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